In an increasingly digital world we all have to process a vast amount of information littering the internet. In a web littered with text-based blogs and websites, images, animations and scrolling parallaxes it becomes increasingly hard to stand out as a business. Cutting through this clutter whilst staying informative and relevant is exactly what has encouraged the rise in video. Not only do videos save the viewer time and energy, they also authentically reflect the opinions of the content creator.

As a business, you don’t need to produce (and fund) a high production television advertisement to market yourself anymore, thanks to a variety of video-friendly platforms on the web and affordable storage devices. Here are three reasons corporate videos are more relevant than ever – and why your company should use them to build your brand.

SEO implications

Video content marketing lends itself to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), with Google incorporating video links into their search results such as YouTube and Vimeo. Since YouTube is an acquisition of Google, it’s unsurprisingly favoured in organic search results. Adding a description, tags and transcription create multiple SEO opportunities. For example, an instructional video may be accompanied by a transcript which dictates the ranking of the blog page it features on. Embedding a video on a web page engages readers to stay on the site longer, for at least the duration of the clip. The more interaction a video receives in a video sharing network, the more likely it will rank highly in the search results.

Social media compatibility

Most social media platforms provide video embedding options, with interactive actions of sharing, liking and commenting. Visible view counts are available on many sites which create an impression of popularity through social proofing. Though corporate videos avoid the time constraints of commercial advertising, viewers are most responsive if they’re under five minutes. Social media apps like Instagram and Vine are compatible with short video clips, which encourage simple low budget content.

 Recruitment and training

If you were looking for a job would you be more interested in the company culture or the details of their provided services?

Most prospective candidates want to find out what it’s like to work for a business which is where video is a useful tool. Staff review videos are a genuine reflection of the business and trustworthy source. Video allows the speaker to say what’s on their mind without limitations of formal language or word count. Most big companies that run graduate programs, such as Unilever and Shell, use videos of alumni to provide an honest first-person review. Using video for staff training purposes ensures each new recruit receives the same information, and can easily access the content as a reminder. Additionally, if demonstrations in a variety of settings are needed, a recorded video saves time and effort.

Digital copy availability

Promotional USBs can be preloaded with your corporate videos to direct your targeted consumers to the intended video. Staff training videos or client training videos are easily copied to DVD for a no-fuss playback option. USBs and DVDs are affordable promotional tools available from Diskbank.

Save customers and prospective staff time and energy by providing an engaging video on your website or promotional digital storage products. Diskbank offers a range of video editing options, at each stage of production.
